Posts by Susan Worst (Page 5)

Posts by Susan Worst (Page 5)

In Memory of Lillian Habinowski

We give thanks for the life of Lillian Habinowski, a beloved member of the UniLu community, who died on December 25, 2021 at age 92. Lillian was a professional artist who studied at Boston’s School of the Museum of Fine Arts for five years, receiving a Certificate in Art in Painting with highest honors. Her portrait of Bishop Krister Stendahl hung in the halls of…

2021 Inkspot Published

The 2021 issue of the Inkspot, UniLu’s annual newsletter for members and alums, is in the mail! For your reading pleasure, here are links to articles and videos mentioned in the issue. Staff Transitions Cambridge City Council resolution thanking Jayms Battaglia Ministry on Campus in a Global Pandemic Find out how to support the campus ministries featured in the…

In Memory of David Beyer

The UniLu community gives thanks for the life of David N. Beyer, a longtime member and the church’s organist and music director from 1968 to 1991. He died on Saturday, July 10, 2021 at the age of 90. David was born in Bennington, Vermont on October 14, 1930 to Hazel Scott Beyer and the Rev. Richard Beyer, a minister in the United Church of Christ. He began playing…

In Memory of Gisela Krause

We give thanks for the life of our beloved longtime member Gisela Krause, who died on June 11, 2021 at the age of 93. Gisela Krause was a classical musician who earned her diploma at the Hocheschule für Musik in Freiburg, Germany, and received her master’s degree from the New England Conservatory of Music.  She performed regularly on harpsichord, recorder, and piano…

UniLu to Renovate HVAC System

At a congregational meeting on Sunday, April 25, 2021, the University Lutheran Church congregation voted to move forward with renovating the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system for the lower level of 66 Winthrop Street, which is necessary to allow the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter to reopen safely. The Harvard Square Homeless Shelter Corporation…

Sunday Bible Study

The Sunday Bible Study group meets online via Zoom to read a book or two of the Bible together on Sundays at 1:30 pm. Contact Chris Pollari for the Zoom link. All are welcome; drop in any time!