Join Us for “Food and Faith”
HDS ministry intern Laurel Oberstadt-Petrik invites you to “Food and Faith: A Spiritual Journey through the Seasons.” Our next meetings are: At these meetings, will eat fall-themed foods and discuss what it means to pay attention. Email Laurel at to register and receive the Zoom link. All are welcome!
Worship with Us!
UniLu offers a one-hour all-ages Service of Holy Communion at 10:30 am on Sundays, available both in person and on Zoom. The service features music, Bible readings and reflections, prayers, Holy Communion, and hymn-singing. On November 10, 2024, Pastor Carrie Ballenger will preach and preside. We will also enjoy coffee hour following worship hosted by Chris Pollari, and…
Churches for Middle East Peace Visits October 20
On Sunday, October 20, 2024, UniLu we will welcome Destiny Magnett, a representative from Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), as our afternoon speaker. Destiny will give an overview of CMEP’s work and offer a time for Q&A about how churches and individuals might get involved. Please…
Join the Choir! Rehearsals Begin August 20
Join the UniLu choir! Rehearsals begin on Tuesday, August 20 at 7:30 pm; our first Sunday service will be Sunday, August 25. Contact Lorraine Fitzmaurice, our music director-choir, with any questions. If you love to sing, you are welcome!
The False White Gospel: A UniLu Book Discussion Group
This book isn’t only for Christians but for our brothers and sisters in other faith traditions, and with no faith at all. When we see a civic promotion of fear, hate and violence as the trajectory of our politics, we need a civic faith of love, healing, and hope to defeat it. And that must…
Hymn Sing: Sunday, June 16 at noon
On Sunday, June 16, 2024, we will gather after coffee hour (at approximately 12 noon) for a congregational hymn sing both in-person and on Zoom. We’ll sing hymns suggested by UniLu community members, with music from Africa, Europe, and the Americas from the 14th century to the present. Zoom attendees: simply remain on the worship call or join using the regular…
Uniting Voices Chicago Concert – April 28 at 1 pm
Join Uniting Voices Chicago, formerly the Chicago Children’s Choir, for a concert at University Lutheran Church on Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 1 pm EDT. The concert is free and open to the public. Singers from the Albany Park and Rogers Park Neighborhood Choir Program are visiting Boston as…
Jim Wallis Book Event
Join us at 7 pm on Sunday, April 21, 2024, when Jim Wallis will present his latest book, The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy. Jim Wallis is the New York Times bestselling author of God’s Politics. He is a writer, teacher, preacher and justice advocate who believes the gospel of Jesus must be…
Holy Week and Easter 2024
Celebrate Holy Week and Easter with UniLu this year! See our schedule below, or download a printable schedule (PDF). All events except Wednesday evening are available both in person and on Zoom. March 24 — Palm Sunday March 27 — Wednesday in Holy Week March 28 — Maundy Thursday Zoom attendees: view or download the Maundy Thursday bulletin (PDF) and Maundy Thursday hymns…
Deepen Your Lenten Journey with Us in 2024
Deepen your spiritual journey this Lent! University Lutheran and our partners are offering three opportunities for study, fellowship, prayer, and reflection this season: