Christmas Code-Cracking: Sermon for Christmas Eve 2021

Christmas Code-Cracking: Sermon for Christmas Eve 2021

Sermon given by Pastor Kathleen O’Keefe Reed at the 9 pm Christmas Eve service on December 24, 2021 at University Lutheran Church. Texts for the service were

  • Isaiah 9:27
  • Luke 2:120

In the sermon, Pastor Reed discusses the hymn “A Stable Lamp Is Lighted,” which has text by Richard Wilbur (1921-2017) and music by Paulette Tollefson (b. 1950). This hymn is included in both the 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship and the 2020 hymnal supplement, All Creation Sings.

Pastor Reed dedicated the sermon to Marilyn Stulken, author of the Hymnal Companion to the Lutheran Book of Worship, which provided useful information on the hymn and its history.  Marilyn is the sister of the Rev. Imogene Stulken, UniLu’s music director—organist.