Communion at UniLu

Communion at UniLu

People of all ages and faith backgrounds are welcome at our Holy Communion table, where Christ is both host and meal.

Communion takes place midway through the service, after the sermon and the prayers. The pastor will invite people to come up to the front of the church for communion, and the usher will direct you.

When you receive communion, the pastor or assisting minister will first place bread into your open hand. Gluten-free wafers are also available; simply let the bread-bearer know if you need one.

After that, communion assistants will offer you wine or grape juice in an individual cup. The wine is purple; the grape juice is gold.

Once you have received the bread and wine/grape juice, return to your seat via the side aisle. Place your individual cup on one of the trays sitting atop the first pew as you head back to your seat.

Anyone preferring not to receive communion is welcome to either come forward and receive a blessing, or to remain seated in the pew and join in the singing of hymns.

Taste and see that the Lord is good!